Monday, July 11, 2011

Smiles for MIles

There is nothing like the expressions of amusement and complete happiness on a friends face. Nothing. It is so completely contagious that it is hard to tell if it is radiating from you or others. This is something I have come to fully embrace watching friends and families at festivals and being around my new and old friends on the road. Whether it be the simplify of a chocolate covered banana, amazing lyrics in a song, or the adrenaline rush of a water park- complete bliss is written all over peoples’ faces and is one of the most enlightening experiences I have encountered….

Lifest in Oshkosh, Wisconsin proved to an amazing reunion with old friends that we had to split ways with before our trek to and from the east. The night before the festival I was lucky enough to time a reunion with an old friend from home who happened to be in the area. It was nice to catch up and get that taste of home after missing the typical Montana Fourth of July festivities. Although it was great, it did not take relieve the chaos of the next day. With inventory and set up completed at the last minute we were running of fumes going into day one. It helped that our Visible Music College friends were just across the isle from us while our first festival neighbors, YWAM were almost directly behind us. Plus my new fair trade friend located behind our big curtain. It was easy to escape for a few minutes to share a random fact, get a rejuvenating hug or high five, or point a sneaky loaded rubber band gun in the middle of conversation. Initially, Lifest seemed like a bust, but that quickly changed when a few groups became very passionate about what we are doing and bought multiple shirts. This is more of what we are pushing for this festival anyways; people who want to keep working with us to host an event in our fall tour. So after a rough start it really picked up and people pulled through for us as usual.

The overall atmosphere of this festival was a bit skewed from that of previous festivals. It was more of a family event then a Christian event. But it was here I really started to feel my religious pull. I wasn’t as deterred from an overly strict atmosphere that surrounded the other festivals. After and amazing dinner and chat with the old friends with the group Restoring Eden I was able to fully verbalize my sentiments towards organized religion and my internal spiritual pull. Which in my experience, seem to continuously butt heads. This tour is proving to be an amazing experience in so many realms and is motivating me to really touch base with the benevolence of a higher being. Simple things, like the beauty of a smile and the joy of laughter are continuously reminding me that this life is a gift and needs to be continuously celebrated and explored. I’ve been extremely encouraged to push myself outside my comfort zone and continue learning in order to be fully able to define my connection to the divine.

Going to the biggest water park in the Country, Noah’s Ark really solidified how awesome this experience is. I went with the YWAM crew and loved every minute of it. The look of Andrews face going down the Sting Ray, the scream let out by Stephen before a straight drop on a slide, the nonstop smile of Erika, the childish nature of David, and the calm and daring nature of Rheanne. I’ve found that beyond feeding off of other peoples energy I am completely addicted to adrenaline and love the steep drops and moments of weightlessness that send your stomach into an explosion of butterflies. The park can be summarized in one word. Epic.

Speaking of adrenaline, my endorphin kick has been very much satisfied on this cross-country adventure. I’m finding amusement in running in different areas of the country, city to farmland. It keeps it from getting monotonous, and I seem to be able to find all sorts of new places.
After a relaxing drive the Twin Cities, it was refreshing to touch base with my close friend Kendra. As different as we are, we have a strange understanding and acceptance of each others lifestyle's and outlook on life. It is always good to be reminded of that comfort. Plus, I felt pretty special this morning when I got to walk her to her first day of grad school and send her off on the bus.
The rest of this week has been long anticipated and I am overly excited for tonight’s birthday celebration, my visit to Jamestown, and the festival in South Dakota. The familiarity of my second home is a perfect halfway mark for my summer long journey.

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