Looking back it has been quite a while since my last blog. I could say it is because things have been so busy- definitely true, I could say because things are in a boring norm- that just makes me laugh to think about what normal and boring may be, but I think the reason my love for what I have been doing and my constant aspiration for more.
Let’s flashback….
I came back to the states with a drained bank account and quickly made my way up the East Coast from a deluxe southern style thanksgiving in North Carolina, to my car and friends in Maryland, before taking off for a winter in Montana. Some things sure were in the cards for me- a well paying job cleaning houses for the top 1% at a private ski resort in Big Sky landed on my lap. Despite my moral conflicts with the amount of waste and over consumerism- it was quite a blessing. Not only that, but I was able to have a winter in my happy place; full of family visits, microbrews, delicious “family” dinners, cross country skiing adventures, cabin outings, dips in the boiling river and a whole lot of snowy wonderland.
Yet, with a mundane job I was more than anxious to head back to Echo Hill as Spring Break approached. My family and I visited my grandparents in Vegas and explored some of the areas natural beauty (Hoover Dam, the red rocks, and Lake Meade) while being quickly deterred by the crowds and party that attract many people to that area. It was quite entertaining to see how much we were alike in our instant claustrophobia in the madness of the downtown area.
Needless to say, touching ground on the Eastern Shore was just what the doctor ordered. I had my good friend AB visiting for the week and EHOS launched into yet another Spring season. Since that week everything has gone by in a flash. It is easy to say that this season has been the most stretching of any season at EHOS. From bugs taking over our dorms…to being understaffed…and hosting overly rebellious, kids… we have had quite the ride. I can’t even begin to touch on the dedication and determination that our core staff has showed to pull off quite a season. To put it simply: All of us now have the tools and experience to answer any interview question or curveball thrown at us. Believe me I know this from experience. I have really enjoyed it despite the craziness. I got to (as they say) wear a lot of new hats, expand my ability to problems solve, and really hone in on my teaching style. Mostly, I enjoyed and fed off the energy of the kids. What we do is quite magical-that is evident on the smiles, enthusiasm, and mud on the kids as the come and go.
Beyond the job I have been able to explore the Maryland area more and more. Some of us have done our best to get out and about while also enjoying some local shenanigans. Highlights:
-A double birthday bash with transportation provided by the school minibus.
-Including Kale in nearly everything prepared.
-A day in Baltimore exploring the pier and finding a random pirate festival.
-Training our directors’ dog in bird hunting a.k.a. drinking beer in the field.
-Fish fries and potlucks.
-Kayaking men literally washing ashore our beach.
-Surprise storms causing flying tents on Assateague- the Atlantic island with wild ponies.
-30 miles biking broken up by a ten-mile race and giving historical tours or Chestertown and it’s tea party festivities, ending with a dip in the bay...our own triathlon of sorts.
-A bucket of tatter tots and meeting up with people from my summer with MyFight and my first closest friends from my first seasons at EHOS in the DC area.
-A ridiculously cheap fruit market in the middle of PA.
-Girls weekend to Philly with a localhome-base, international food tastings, recycled mosaic art museums, home cooked meals, and friends from all stages of our lives.
-First Canoe trip of the Summer season on the Chester River with a member of my original EHOS crew...Complete with violent overnight thunder storms that made for an amazing and intimidating light show in my tent (sound effects and all), mulberry trees, early morning swims, and sunset canoes.
With all the madness and adventures, I have also come to realize that despite my love for the Bay area and the lush forests and swamps, the mid-Atlantic isn’t a place for my to be stagnant. After a number of applications and interviews I have decided to head up to New England for another seasonal position this fall. Something about the colors of the leaves, the Appalachian route, and maple syrup is calling me. I am not sure which state I will be exactly- but I will still be hanging out with kids outside, getting muddy and learning lots!
Regardless, I owe a big salute to the bay and all that it has ignited within me:
I'm bay-bound, where the rivers meet the sea
Bay-bound, mixing the salt and sweet
Bay-bound, I was only gonna dip my feet
But then I landed in the Chesapeake
By: Merit Shalom (EHOS staff) listen to the link!!
As for now, I am rejuvenated and ready to head back to the Dominican…. I can already hear them calling: COCONAAAAAAA!
But then I landed in the Chesapeake
By: Merit Shalom (EHOS staff) listen to the link!!
As for now, I am rejuvenated and ready to head back to the Dominican…. I can already hear them calling: COCONAAAAAAA!